The Grand Story: The Davidic Covenant
Have you ever pursued something that wasn’t truly good for you? In 2 Samuel 7:16, we see Israel doing just that—demanding a king, not because they needed one, but because they wanted to be like the other nations. Yet, God had a greater plan.
This sermon explores the Davidic Covenant, revealing how God’s promise of an everlasting throne points directly to Jesus Christ. From prophets to judges to kings, each leadership role in Israel’s history ultimately foreshadowed Christ as our perfect Prophet, Military Leader, Judge, and King.
The real question is: Is Jesus the King of your life? When we surrender to Him, He leads us with wisdom, protects us in spiritual battles, and establishes His kingdom in our hearts and homes.
Join us as we journey through God’s covenant plan—one that calls us to live under the rule of the eternal King, Jesus Christ.