Where are you located?
We are located at 445 Merecroft Rd, Campbell River, BC.
What time does the service start?
We have a time for prayer in the main auditorium from 9:45-10:15am, and our service starts at 10:30am on Sundays.
Is there coffee?
You bet there is. Regular coffee and tea is available for free when you arrive or as you mingle after the service. We also have specialty drinks made for you by donation! Proceeds will be going towards a charitable organization.
What about my kids?
Nursery- Ages 0-2 (located in the Teddy Bear room)
Preschool- Ages 3-5 (located in the Panda Bear room)
Kids church- K-Grade 5 (located upstairs)
You will register your kids when you arrive, you will get a name tag for your child(ren) and for the gaurdian, and the kids will be dismissed after the worship service. They will be called to the front to meet up with their Sunday School teacher and parents pick-up right after the service. If you'd like to walk your child to their room, you are more than welcome. The nursery is open right away at 10:30am.
What should I wear?
Come wearing whatever you are comfortable in! We have no dress-code!
What can I expect from a Sunday Service?
We have a live band that will lead you in singing, followed by a few announcements. We value community, so we take 15 minutes to grab a coffee and visit. There will be a 30 minute message, and an opportunity for prayer and more worship time. Our entire service is about an hour and a half long.
If you have any more questions, feel free to give us a call 250 287 3476, email us at clf-cr@telus.net, or pop by the office! We would love to meet you and answer any of your questions!