God’s desire for each of us is to live an abundant, joy-filled, and victorious life, no matter our past or current struggles. To live this way, we need to build our lives on three foundational truths: knowing God, understanding our identity in Him, and recognizing our purpose on earth.
From the very beginning, humanity was created in God’s image with intrinsic value and a purpose to worship and glorify Him. This worship isn’t just about singing songs but encompasses how we live, think, and act. In Genesis, Adam and Eve were tasked with ruling and subduing the earth, including standing against the enemy, but they fell into unbelief, leading to sin and separation from God’s authority.
Jesus, however, succeeded where Adam and Eve failed. By overcoming the enemy’s temptations, Jesus began His mission to destroy the works of the devil and reclaim authority. Through His death and resurrection, He restored humanity’s ability to live in victory.
As followers of Christ, we share in His victory by abiding in Him—remaining in His presence and aligning our lives with His truth. This empowers us to overcome unbelief, share the gospel, and bring freedom to others.
Our purpose remains unchanged: to worship God with our whole lives and to rule and subdue the works of the enemy, not through domination but by bringing God’s love, healing, and truth to the world.
Key Scripture References:
- Genesis 1:26–28
- John 15
- Matthew 4:1–11
- 1 John 3:8
- Matthew 28:18–20
“Jesus has defeated the enemy, but we are still in a daily battle. God is calling us to abide in Him and live out the victory He has already won.”